Thursday, April 1, 2010

First Step

Finally I am here. Its always better to start late than never. First of all a disclaimer. OK, I know disclaimers are meant to be written below article in small size but this is necessary first up. Any one with all the neurons working should think twice before proceeding.

And what a day to start something. 1st of April. Its the day for the business fraternity to rise above their past mistakes and face new sunlight. Its the day for all the Akbars and Birbals to reason together. Its the day for Google to announce its harebrained idea of a research center on the moon and job applications for it. Its the day for all those who think the world minus them is a box of idiots. But wait I should use words with utmost care because 'IDIOT' word has been turned upside down by one and only Mr. Perfectionist. I have heard IIO (International Idiot Organisation) has been flooded with application from all the nooks and corners of the world to bestow upon them the title of "IDIOT" and the applicants are ready to return the title of 'Knight', 'Sir' and 'Dame' in lieu. May be head of all the states should get it automatically. I have also heard thousands of cases have been filed against the violation of the copyright for the word 'Idiot'.And latest buzz is that has become the website with largest number of hits on its first day which is headquartered in Bombay.Oops! Here I am violating the copyright of Raj Thackrey who owns words like 'Bombay' and 'Mumbai'. Any use of these words has to be certified from him. And what happened to the fight between Bal Thackrey and Raj Thackrey over the copyright of these words. I do feel sorry for the poor old monk from Maha-Rashtra.

I feel elated today and I don't know the reason. Is it the feeling of being first man on the moon. May be or may not be but it certainly is big. Is it the bliss of the ignorance of being first man from family to put words together for the masses to read on a medium that is Internet. Today I want to thank Vinten Cerf for giving us the medium to speak our mind without any editors and censors. I feel i am being cruel to others in glorifying myself but give me this moment. Is it freedom of expression that's driving me crazy. Today I feel lucky to be born in the land of Ganges and Buddha.

Today I can think of the excitement when the man first spoke a correct sentence. When a rogue compiled the greatest of texts in Ramayana. When Maharshi Ved Vyas even thought of an epic of size of Mahabharat. It has taken me ages to come here. And its culmination of many efforts that I have put a pen on paper or should I say fingers on keyboard. First of all that man Gutenberg who gave people a taste of printed text, the focal point of modern writing. And what is the status of Project Gutenberg, an idea floated forty years ago to free up the knowledge on net. I owe my allegiance to Pyra Labs for making me a blogger. No list can be complete without Mr. Bill Gates for bringing computing to the world in real sense. To Ramdhari Singh Dinkar and Munshi Premchand for instilling in me liking for words. And of course to parent, family and friends for shaping me up. That would complete the list.

A lot more is inside but all cogged up. Let the snow melt on its own and the flow become perennial.

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