Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lehman Brother's Again : An Open letter to all Americans

Dear Americans,
Happy Independence Day !!!
What ! Not your independence day. I think it's your second Independence day. 15th September 2008, you became independent of your own greed.
Thanks for shutting down your 20 years long running Con on 15th September 6 years ago. You gave us the concept of milking billions and billions of dollars from Human being's housing needs. You showed us how to do banking and create billionaires in excel sheets. You showed us how to sell insecurity by selling Credit Default Swaps. You showed us how to consume resources on debt without having the capacity and money to pay for it. You showed us how to funnel all of world's money into a balloon and inflate it faster than The Big Bang.
And One fine morning on 15th of September 2008 you said it's over. The balloon burst and so did the world. You took that burger / pizza I was eating from my hand bcoz I couldn't afford it now.
Lehman Brother's !!! What a fancy name it was till it lasted. Thanks for shattering the Crore plus salary dreams of every MBA aspirant. Nothing will come close to this Con that you ran.
Any ways, Happy Doomsday on it's 6th Anniversary ! And Happy Thanksgiving in advance. I suppose you are planning big on sending those mindless gifts to your relatives this year as well. And Happy Christmas in advance. I suppose you are planning to have a blast and drinking those beers and eating those pizzas and driving those fuel guzzling cars and doing this and that. You consume again and the world starts feeling good again. And manufacturers are happy again. And banks are happy again. And those Saudi oil barons are happy again who put their money in the banks. And those bulls are smiling again.
Until we hit the next reset point again. And this con, how long you are planning on running it. But see, now I am wiser. I won't fall in your trap again. I will be keeping all my liquid savings in the piggybanks behind my window again rather than those Goldman Sachs and J.P.Morgans, just like old times, just how my grandmother taught me.
Try my money and I will send Arvind Kejriwal to your White House.
Survivor of the last Con